Index of Stories

What is all this?

Read the Game Guide to understand the general format and rules represented by each type of writing game, e.g. 'Story go Round'.
To read the stories, just browse the list below. Or, if you want to look for a specific story, use the search page.

Complete story list:

(12/31/2010 was added on 09/21/2010)


Story Go Round

Any amount per turn:
  1. Christmas Stains
  2. Timmy, Tommy, Tammy
  3. The Tales of Larry the Skunk


Story Go Round

Any amount per turn:
  1. The Bluetooth from Beyond
  2. Patient Lore
  3. Cursed... by Fairies
  4. Up for Grabs


Story Go Round

4 words per turn:
  1. Tanya
  2. Roget's Olfactory Thesaurus
  3. Untitled
  4. "Untitled"


Story Go Round

Any amount per turn:
  1. Untitled
  2. Something's Fishy
  3. The Gibbs Method


Story Go Round

Any amount per turn:
  1. I Started It
  2. ...I Finished It
  3. Dope Hollow

11/29/2009 ~ OryCon

Story Go Round

Any amount per turn:
  1. Random Deaths
  2. The Gods Caused the Massacre
  3. Butterfly Fruit
  4. Roman Holiday
  5. The Unfired Gun
  6. Relationship Issues
  7. More Blood, Now
  8. Hyperchicken
  9. Geezer With a Mohawk
  10. Untitled
  11. Cold Feet
  12. The Unpaid Bill
  13. Holy Rollers
  14. Wizard's Wish
  15. Bob
  16. Confessions of a Radioactive Chocolate Easter Bunny


Story Go Round

Any amount per turn:
  1. Alice and the Meerkats
  2. Disco Aliens
  3. Confessions of a Bodyguard Slash Model


Story Go Round

Any amount per turn:
  1. Bite Me!
  2. Wanda's Haunted House
  3. Good Eatin'


Story Go Round

Any amount per turn:
  1. Great Scott
  2. Hugo's Pulitzer Prize Nebula
  3. The Doctor Can See You Now

11/22/2008 - OryCon

Story Go Round

Any amount per turn:
  1. The Rabid, Origami-making Time-traveling Dust Bunny
  2. Not Everything That Bites Is A Vampire
  3. Chocolate Lifeline
  4. Muffy Never Liked Her
  5. He Always Spoke Urdu
  6. I Like Explosions
  7. The Magical Cooking Girl
  8. Another Day At The 7-11
  9. All The Shiny Children
  10. Number 3 In The Left Side-pocket
  11. Alien Foster Brother
  12. A Dark and Stormy Night


Story Go Round

Any amount per turn:
  1. Have Pizza, Will DIE!
  2. Who Watches The Watchers?
  3. Oddman Out
  4. Outtards


Story Go Round

Any amount per turn:
  1. Invasion of the Cut-Rate Aliens
  2. Who's The Boss?
  3. A Panel of Ex-Burts
  4. Mean and Meaner


Story Go Round

Two sentences per turn, starting and ending midsentence:
  1. Hungry Ostriches
  2. It Was Worse
  3. Oops


Story Go Round

Six words per turn:
  1. My Title is Titular, and I'm full of Entitlement
  2. S.B.
  3. Just What Is A Title, Anyway?

Story Go Round

Any amount per turn:
  1. Dead By Now
  2. The Caterers
  3. Your Next Nightmare
  4. A Brave New Therapy


Story Go Round

Any amount per turn:
  1. Continuation of The Secret Life of a Secret Agent
  2. Continuation of The Continuing Adventures of Lord Luvaduck, or The Continuing Near-Brushes with Adventure of Edward Sweetcheeks
  3. Continuation of Rumpelspockskin
  4. Continuation of Karma Forwarding


Story Go Round

Any amount per turn:
  1. The Continuing Adventures of Lord Luvaduck, or The Continuing Near-Brushes with Adventure of Edward Sweetcheeks
  2. Karma Forwarding
  3. Rumpelspockskin
  4. The Secret Life of a Secret Agent


  1. The Thighmaster Safari
  2. Another Science-Fiction/Fantasy Zombie Romantic-Comedy Indie Art-House Flick


Story Go Round

5 words per turn:
  1. Untitled
  2. Untitled
  3. I'm Too White and Nerdy
  4. Untitled
2 minutes per turn:
  1. Glue Sticks
  2. A Foursome to be Reckoned With
  3. The Fart Ninjas
  4. The Continuing Adventures of Lord Luvaduck


Story Go Round

any amount per turn:
  1. Santa Zombies in the Snow
  2. The Luck of the Elvish
  3. Escape Clause
  4. Like A Light Bulb!
any amount per turn:
  1. Keen Caramel Beavers
  2. Just For The Halibut
  3. Yet Another Christmas Eve in the Airport
  4. The Fear of Forever


Story Go Round

6 words per turn:
  1. Saying Good-bye to Angelique
  2. Dances With Words
  3. Killisthenics
  4. The Dealer
1-2 sentences per turn:
  1. Fartenstein
  2. The O2 Bluff
  3. The Muted Music of Modern Madness
  4. Into The Pot
any amount per turn:
  1. Nasally Yours
  2. Hell Toupee
  3. Frankenfrankfurter
  4. Fabiobviated


Story Go Round

Any amount:
  1. Untitled
  2. Untitled
  3. Continuation of It's All Good
  4. Cheeseburger in Paradise
  5. The Dalai Alan
  6. Untitled


Story Go Round

One or more sentences per turn, starting and ending midsentence:
  1. The Half Life of a Fart
  2. The Pen, The Pad, and It Got Ugly
  3. Butterflies are Free
  4. It's All Good


Story Go Round

One or more sentences per turn, starting and ending midsentence:
  1. To Bleed Or Not To Bleed
  2. The Privy Council
  3. Full Moon Airlines
  4. I Pantsed the Sheriff (but I didn't pants the deputy)


Story Go Round

One or more sentences per turn, starting and ending midsentence:
  1. The Man At The Door
  2. The Thing Above The Door To The Basement
  3. Hearse Happy
  4. Would You Like Brains With That?


Story Go Round

Any amount:
  1. Puddlejumpers
  2. Couchworld


Story Go Round

One sentence per turn, starting and ending midsentence:
  1. PsycheSaver 3000
  2. Curmudgeons Anonymous
  3. The Morning After


Story Go Round

Any amount per turn:
  1. Untitled
  2. Give Cake a Chance
  3. Through The Game Box
  4. A Pad of Ideas


Story Go Round

One sentence per turn:
  1. A Curious Tale of Avarice
  2. Sweaty Donuts
  3. Scrubwell and Pitstain
Four to six words per turn:
  1. A Story Full of Sound and Fury, Signifying Nothing
  2. Attack of the Seemstress
  3. Empathy Football


Story Go Round

Any amount per turn:
  1. The Development of Linguini as a Mercenary Tool


Story Go Round

Six words per turn:
  1. Check, mate
  2. Love Handles
  3. At The Game
  4. The Accidental Genius
  5. Garbage In



6 word sentence, as the first word:
  1. I Scab When You Have Thoughts
  2. Cherry Coke Fizzes Less Than Most
  3. Amelia Happily Yodeled In The Shower
  4. Timorous Timmy Stepped On A Tack
  5. Garbage Piles Up On The Counter
8 word sentence, as the first word (these were songs):
  1. Bring Home The Bacon, Bring Home The Cows
  2. Lights Flicker In The Window Through The Night
  3. Love's Labour Lost In Space And In Time
  4. Put Me In Your Book, You Romance Writer
  5. Eerie Monologues After Ghostly Missions Into Manic Mayhem

Story Go Round

Any amount per turn:
  1. Untitled (on Habeeb's palm pilot)
  2. Continuation of 'They Soggy Roached It
  3. Continuation of Untitled 05/07/2004
  4. Cereal Killer
  5. Continuation of 'The Discount Viscount
  6. Continuation of Untitled 02/21/2004


Story Go Round

Any amount per turn:
  1. Untitled
  2. Untitled
  3. Untitled
  4. Continuation of Untitled 02/21/2004
  5. Continuation of 'The Discount Viscount


Story Go Round

Any amount per turn:
  1. Us Toons
  2. Untitled
  3. Bad?


Story Go Round

Any amount per turn:
  1. Untitled
  2. The Discount Viscount
  3. Untitled
  4. Untitled


Story Go Round

Any amount, with New Year's themes:
  1. It's Boots or Heels, Baby
  2. Countdown
  3. A Vow of Silence


Story Go Round

6 words per turn with Halloween themes:
  1. Attack of the 50' Krispy Kreme
  2. Under A Gibbous Moon, I Wept
  3. Enzymes!
  4. That Big Monster, The One With


#1: 'Polyverse

5 word sentence, as the first word of each line:
  1. Chicken Soup for the Soul
  2. Alan Is On The Rampage
  3. Young peaches They Ripen beautifully
  4. Celebrate The Mystery Of Light

#2: 'Story Go Round

As much as we wanted to write, in any order:
  1. Untitled floater #1
  2. Untitled floater #2
  3. Ambiguity was His Middle Name - floater #3


Story Go Round

2 minutes per turn:
  1. When Metaphors Go On Strike
  2. High Wire Wanna-be
  3. In-flight Magazine Interview
  4. The Burning
  5. Bonus poem 'Lord of Lard' by Amber


Story Go Round

30 seconds per turn:
  1. All For The Love of Peas
  2. Frank's Masterpiece
  3. Things the Faeries Leave Behind
  4. Fan, Male, & Just Desserts
  5. Amberican Dream
  6. M.M.M.
  7. Murder One in Wheatonville

Story Go Round

3 sentences per turn (brought to you by the word 'velour'):
  1. The Wheat Connection
  2. The Falsity of the Modern as Expressed by Velour
  3. Of Satin Waistcoats and Velour Floppy Hats
  4. The Velour Spaceship
  5. V.E.L.O.U.R.


Story Go Round

As much as we each felt like writing:
  1. John Dublin, Old Salt Dawg
  2. Vegetables Are Not the Enemy
  3. Oh, you must be a pirate
  4. Faces from Davy Jones's Locker
  5. Life at Forty Knots (floater)


Story Go Round

As much as we each felt like writing, in any order:
  1. Almost Home: As the Acid Trickled Down
  2. The Claw of Vengeful Order


Story Go Round

1 sentence per turn, starting and ending mid-sentence:
  1. Untitled
  2. Untitled
  3. Larry the Leech
  4. One side of a telephone conversation
  5. Untitled (floater)


Story Go Round

1 sentence per turn, starting with the same sentence:
  1. Modern Economics
  2. The Sun Rose
  3. Armless in Seattle
  4. A Whale of a Bad Time
  5. Salve Regina
  6. Future Gourmet (6 words each)
  7. ... bored in Arizona ... (floater)


#1: 'Story Go Round

5 words per turn:
  1. In Five Words Or Less
  2. Der Fahrvergnügend am Bratwurst Gesundheit
  3. Untitled
  4. Untitled
  5. Untitled (floater)

#2: 'Story Go Round

2 sentences per turn:
  1. The Hike
  2. Quoth the Whiskers
  3. Izzy
  4. Wellwater Runs Deep
  5. "Military Man" - the Pilot (floater)


#1: 'Story Go Round

3 words per turn:
  1. Oy, with the Poodles already!
  2. Fear of Stuffed Animals
  3. Under the ceiling
  4. I Cannot Imagine
  5. Groping in the Gravy

#2: 'Story Go Round

1 word per turn:
  1. Untitled

#3: 'Polyverse

8 word sentence, as the first word:
  1. Your home is where my uncle Marvin lives
  2. The night covers my black overcoat quite wonderfully
  3. Zippers are a pants best friend she cried
  4. When isn't crying enough for lovesick Italian butterflies
  5. Even as I watch you I am consumed

#4: 'Polyverse

6 word collaborative sentence, 'Another blue sky rained mercilessly up', as the last word:
  1. Kevin
  2. Habeeb
  3. John
  4. Amber


#1: 'Frankenstory

1 line per turn (these links spawn new windows):
  1. Clear as...
  2. Untitled
  3. Silver lining
  4. The Fish Ladder of Success
  5. Pancake, Coffee, and Co, Inc

#2: 'Story Go Round

4 words per turn, up for grabs:
  1. Untitled


#1: 'Story Go Round

1 minute per turn:
  1. Orange Days
  2. Blue bottles
  3. And The Sneath Laughed
  4. Writers Winter
  5. Our Tempestuous Day
  6. Quick Rick and Friends

#2: 'Story Go Round

3 words per turn:
  1. Bad Trip, Confined to Bed
  2. Cabbages and Kings
  3. Another Story with an Elf
  4. Untitled
  5. Not the Good Disaster
  6. Untitled


#1: 'Story Go Round

4 words per turn:
  1. Untitled
  2. Dr. Pepper on the Brain
  3. Untitled
  4. The Return of Cap'n Amber
  5. Untitled
  6. Surprise...

#2: 'Story Go Round

1.5 minutes per turn:
  1. Calling Cthulhu
  2. Grubber and Flynn
  3. A.
  4. His Shoes Were Laced With Irony


#1: 'Story Go Round

2 minutes per turn:
  1. Untitled
  2. Untitled
  3. Untitled
  4. The 5¢ Spanking Machine

#2: 'Story Go Round

2 minutes per turn:
  1. Untitled
  2. Untitled
  3. Untitled
  4. Untitled
  5. Untitled
  6. Rejected Shakespearean Sonnets
  7. C.U.P.

#3: 'Story Go Round

6 words per turn:
  1. Untitled
  2. Untitled
  3. Untitled
  4. Untitled



1 line per turn (these links spawn new windows):
  1. Itsy-Bitsy-Teenie-Weenie Yellow Polka-Dotted Meanie
  2. Beyond Smelling Salts
  3. Campfire Thongs
  4. European History 315 - Spring Mid Term


#1: 'Story Go Round

5 words per turn:
  1. [Kangaroo Poo]
  2. Untitled
  3. How do you spell relief?
  4. ... happily ever after
  5. Untitled

#2: 'Story Go Round

1 word per turn (with accelerated endings), passed in different directions:
  1. Untitled
  2. Untitled
  3. Untitled
  4. Untitled
  5. Untitled


#1: 'Story Go Round

30 seconds per turn:
  1. Untitled
  2. Untitled
  3. Untitled
  4. Untitled
  5. The Cheez-Puff Room

#2: 'Story Go Round

6 words per turn:
  1. Untitled
  2. Untitled
  3. Untitled
  4. [Our Two Moist Heroes]
  5. Untitled

#3: 'Story Go Round

2 minutes per turn:
  1. Scotch Medleys
  2. Disassociative Word Pairs
  3. My Life as a Corpse
  4. It's All About Me, Right?
  5. Randolf Descente's Ice Cave


#1: 'Story Go Round

30 seconds per turn:
  1. Untitled
  2. Untitled
  3. Untitled
  4. I Dream of Jeannie
  5. Untitled

#2: 'Story Go Round

2 lines per turn:
  1. Brought to you by the phrase 'tube socks'
  2. Brought to you by the word 'eclipse'
  3. Brought to you by the word 'scavengers'
  4. Brought to you by the word 'rhubarb'
  5. Brought to you by the phrase 'paper bag'

#3: 'Story Go Round

1.5 minutes per turn:
  1. Interview with a Scumbag
  2. Angus the Nutter Butter
  3. Molasses trade
  4. Untitled
  5. Untitled

#4: 'Sentence Potpourri:

  1. Worms and Puppy Love


#1: 'Story Go Round

4 words per turn:
  1. Untitled
  2. Untitled
  3. Untitled
  4. Untitled

#2: 'Story Go Round

2 minutes per turn:
  1. Brought to you by the word 'thraet'
  2. Brought to you by the word 'wump'
  3. Untitled
  4. Brought to you by the word 'ptoie'

#3: 'Sentence Potpourri

  1. Hotshot CEOs and the Pyramids
  2. Lard and First Ladies
  3. Outlaws and Whales


#1: 'Story Go Round

1 minute per turn:
  1. Untitled
  2. Untitled
  3. Untitled
  4. Untitled

#2: 'Story Go Round

1.5 minutes per turn:
  1. Brought to you by the words "glede", "ecru", and "drums"
  2. Brought to you by the words "Mordred", "amber", and "drums"
  3. Brought to you by the words "deform", "puce", and "drums"
  4. Brought to you by the words "peacock", "chartreuse", and "drums"

#3: 'Story Go Round

2 minutes per turn, alternate version:
  1. Untitled
  2. Untitled
  3. Untitled
  4. Untitled
  5. Untitled

#4: 'Story Go Round

30 seconds per turn:
  1. Untitled
  2. Untitled
  3. Untitled
  4. Untitled
  5. Untitled


#1: 'Story Go Round

3 lines per turn:
  1. Untitled
  2. Untitled
  3. Untitled
  4. Untitled

#2: 'Story Go Round

3 lines or 3 minutes per turn, whichever came first:
  1. Untitled
  2. Untitled
  3. Untitled
  4. Untitled


#1: 'Story Go Round

2.5 minutes per round:
  1. Scab O'Henry #1
  2. Scab O'Henry #2
  3. Scab O'Henry #3
  4. Scab O'Henry #4

#2: 'Story Go Round

30 seconds per round:
  1. Untitled
  2. Untitled
  3. Untitled
  4. Untitled

#3: 'Story Go Round

Unknown seconds per round:
  1. Untitled
  2. Untitled
  3. Untitled
  4. Untitled


#1: 'Story Go Round

2 minutes per round:
  1. Untitled
  2. The Disturbingly Mild Apparatus
  3. Untitled
  4. Untitled

#2: 'Story Go Round

2 minutes per round:
  1. Untitled
  2. Untitled
  3. Untitled
  4. Untitled

#3: 'Story Go Round

2 minutes per round:
  1. Untitled
  2. Untitled
  3. Post Pride & Prejudice
  4. Untitled


#1: 'Sentence Potpourri:

  1. Scuttlefish
  2. Cheez Whiz & the Taj Mahal

#2: 'Story Go Round

#1 - 1 minute per round:
  1. Untitled
  2. Untitled
  3. Untitled
  4. Untitled

#2: 'Story Go Round

1.5 minutes per round:
  1. Untitled
  2. Untitled
  3. Untitled
  4. Untitled
  5. Untitled